I was reading the newspaper today (
Scranton Times ) about a new scam. It seems there is a company called Cost Recovery
Corporation out of Dayton,Ohio that works deals with municipalities to charge a fee for the time a police officer spends at the scene of an accident. Cost Recovery Corp. then charges this fee to the motorist when the insurance company fails to pay the fee.
You see ... police are already paid for ... by tax dollars ... so by having them charge for their services should mean the tax payers get should be getting a refund for the amount the police are charging ... of course this doesn't happen.
It seems once
municipalities catch on to what is happening they act quickly to repeal any ordinances they
enacted that allowed this scam to happen in the first place.
So if you get a bill from Cost Recovery Corporation out of Dayton, Ohio ... call them at 1 (888) 921-4598 .. and tell them to shove the bill up their a$$.