Another great summer day on the lake with the Fawcett's ... got this great photo of the girls jumping from the pontoon boat... and I also got a once in a lifetime picture of Marion holding a fish!!
Had a great time out with friends last night ... while celebrating BOS 40 !! Even though we don't recover like we use to, every now and then you need to unwind. Great time was had by all !!
Spent another great day on the lake with the Fawcett's ... the weather this summer has been perfect ... water temps in Newton Lake are around 80 degrees. Hot temps ... cold beer ... cool water = Great Summer !!
Annie & Emily decided they wanted to camp out side tonight. Weather was perfect... however the 4th of July weekend here at Newton Lake sounds like the middle of a war zone with all the fireworks going off. But despite the noise we had a great night !!
Fawcett's and Yurgosky's 4th of July at Newton Lake
In what has been one of the best summers I can remember, we spent the entire day on the pontoon boat. Then went back out in the evening to watch the Newton Lake fireworks display. It was a perfect night !