Annie & Emily heading back to school today ... and while Maggie had her backpack on and was ready to go, she is still a few years away. Best of luck on a great year !!
Bob Hope once said, "I always like to go to Washington D.C. It gives me a chance to visit my money."
Well ... we took the kids on a whirlwind tour of Washington DC monuments so we could visit "our money". Of course the City of DC grabbed us for even more money buy hammering me with $200 worth of parking tickets. What a great way to encourage people to visit your city.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Spending the week with Ed & Sarah and the kids at their family's house on the Chesapeake Bay. Very relaxing atmosphere ... a little piece of heaven on earth. The views at sunset are amazing!
Left the confines of Newton Lake and headed north today to do a little fishing on Lake Ontario. Had a perfect day for fishing and caught a bunch of fish. Fished aboard the Maverick with Capt. Chris LoPresti and his son Christopher. Great time was had by all !!